Relax and Regulate
30 scoops
2 powerful ingredients to release tension in the body and protect against chronic stress signaling, while supporting the regulatory functions of metabolism, hormones, and mood.
A one-two punch of chill and hormone balance with nervous system support! Learn more
Benefits of Relax and Regulate:
- Tension release throughout the body neuro-muscular
- Restorative sleep
- Stress reduction
- Blood sugar balance
- Cortisol regulation
- Hormone balance
- Fertility support
- Mood stability
- Metabolic and thyroid health
How to Take
Take one scoop at bed as a baseline dosage for wellness.
To use to support hormone needs, blood sugar, and high stress demands: consider 2 scoops at bed or 1.5 at bed and ½ at rise or mid-day.
For acute pain or inflammation such as headaches, menstrual cramps, insomnia, may consider 3-4 scoops distributed throughout the day.
Subscription & Use Tip
Each tub contains 30 scoops which lasts about 1 month with typical daily use or 2 weeks with functional use.
Purchase a bundle and SAVE 12%! This product is also featured in Keto Essentials Bundle, Anti-Anxiety Jumpstart Bundle and Women's Hormone Bundle
- Safe with breastfeeding
- Safe during pregnancy
Safe for Kids
Learn more
This product also supports
Calm and Mood Digestion and Gut Health Energy and Performance Hormones and Fertility Thyroid and Adrenals
What Makes Relax and Regulate Superior?
We ensure all our products have the most bioavailable form of ingredients and combine different compounds to get the most powerful effects.
Relax and Regulate uses 2 powerful ingredients to release tension in the body and protect against chronic stress signaling, while supporting the regulatory functions of metabolism, hormones, and mood.
A one-two punch of chill and hormone balance with nervous system support!
This potent powder gets into the tight spots of your body for deep neuromuscular relaxation while serving as a bodyguard in your brain, blocking excessive cortisol release and optimizing metabolism and mental health with the use of magnesium bisglycinate and myoinositol. These 2 ingredients work synergistically to balance hormones and support healthy fertility, in fact women with PCOS are about 20 times more likely to be deficient in magnesium and inositol has been shown to increase fertility by over 60% (see research tab below!).
Don’t be fooled by other magnesium products on the market! Most forms are poorly absorbed and don’t provide the synergy of inositol for nervous system support and enhanced cellular function.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
**Backed by ID Guarantee for purity, clinical reliability, and predicted safety via scientific identification of strains with established health benefits
Why Naturally Nourished
Clinical Results
Synergistic Formulas
Third Party Tested
These are 2 primary reasons to love this product, magnesium bisglycinate and myoinositol.
Magnesium is an essential mineral required as an activator for over 300 reactions in the body influencing metabolism, cardiovascular health, blood sugar regulation, neuromuscular function, digestion, energy production, hormonal and mental health. Although magnesium is the fourth most common mineral in the human body due to all these demands, it is estimated less than ⅔ of Americans are getting their daily need in the diet.
Don’t be fooled by cheaper forms as they pass through the body vs. getting absorbed! Most magnesium products on the market are poorly absorbed and can’t provide outcomes when compared to placebo, the form used in Relax and Regulate, magnesium bis-glycinate is superior in both absorption and function serving to both replete magnesium status and promote anxiety relief.
Relax and Regulate offers magnesium combined with an amino acid glycine, providing magnesium bis-glycinate. Glycine works to support neuromuscular relaxation and calming neurotransmitters in your brain, such as GABA, to mellow out your stress response and support balanced circadian rhythm.
In a magnesium comparison study reported by Graff et al. at Weber State University, Albion’s® magnesium amino acid chelate had: (See Figure 1)
• 8.8 times greater absorption than magnesium oxide
• 5.6 times greater absorption than magnesium sulfate
• 2.3 times greater absorption than magnesium carbonate
Figure 1: Graff et al. Magnesium: wide spread benefits. Albion
Research Notes 1992; 1(2):1
Inositol (Vitamin B8) is an essential nutrient found in cell membranes and is needed for proper function of hormones and neurological health. Inositol plays a major role in cell signaling by functioning as a precursor of an intracellular second messenger system. This system is responsible for regulating a large number of key cellular processes in the body, especially in the brain.
We love this unique powerful blend that delivers 2 key ingredients to support your body’s regulatory function and shift you out of a chronic sympathetic stress response. The flexible dosing of the powder allows you to play with sleep quality and anxiety reduction while pulsing up for inflammation and muscle spasms.
How to Use
Take one scoop at bed as a baseline dosage for wellness. To use to support hormone needs, blood sugar, and high stress demands consider 2 scoops at bed or 1.5 at bed and ½ at rise or mid-day. For acute pain or inflammation such as headaches, menstrual cramps, insomnia, may consider 3-4 scoops distributed throughout the day.
If experiencing loose stools when meeting desired dosage, try separating your scoops by 4-6 hours. This product is recommended to take primarily at bed but can be spread out at rise, mid-am, mid-pm, it should be separated from food by ideally 2 hours.
For toddlers and children start with 1/2 scoop at bed and work up as needed for bowel, neurological, and relaxation support.
Considerations on taste: Note: there are no carbohydrates in this product and it will not interfere with a fast, but it will taste sweet and citric. The inositol structurally is a sugar alcohol but functions as a B-vitamin with structural, cellular, and neurological benefits.
Check out our video as we use Relax and Regulate to make a tasty electrolyte drink.
Can I take Relax and Regulate with my medication?
Always consult your medical team when looking to add supplements to your medication list. There are no known drug nutrient interactions.
How quickly should it take to experience results?
Relax and Regulate offers a powerful blend of ingredients which can be experienced on an anxiety reducing and neuromuscular supporter within the first couple uses. However to experience benefits for hormones or metabolic health, it may require consistency of 6+ months.
This study looked at the effects of magnesium in improving the health of arteries after 24 but not 12 weeks of use. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9169302
Will this cause a loose bowel movement?
Compared to other forms of magnesium, the form in Relax and Regulate is least likely to cause a loose stool as it is actually being absorbed into your body. You may experience more regulated bowels as the neuromuscular impulses of the digestive system may be supported with optimized magnesium and inositol status. The citric acid added to further enhance bioavailability and provide antioxidant support may soften stools but is not likely to cause diarrhea.
Why is citric acid added and what is the source?
The citric acid is added to further enhance bioavailability. It is derived from cassava, not corn.
This medical review examined the various mechanisms of action and need of magnesium in the body.
Level I evidence supports the use of magnesium in the prevention and treatment of many common health conditions including migraine headache, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, asthma, premenstrual syndrome, preeclampsia, and various cardiac arrhythmias.
Schwalfenberg GK, Genuis SJ. The Importance of Magnesium in Clinical Healthcare. Scientifica (Cairo). 2017;2017:4179326. doi:10.1155/2017/4179326
Magnesium bisglycinate is the superior form and why magnesium oxide is a waste!
Walker AF1, Marakis G, Christie S, Byng M. Magnes Res. 2003 Sep;16(3):183-91. Mg citrate found more bioavailable than other Mg preparations in a randomised, double-blind study.
Boyle NB, Lawton C, Dye L. The Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Subjective Anxiety and Stress-A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2017;9(5):429. Published 2017 Apr 26. doi:10.3390/nu9050429
Magnesium supports healthy pregnancy and positive birth outcomes
Magnesium supplementation during pregnancy was associated with significantly fewer maternal hospitalizations, a reduction in preterm delivery, and less frequent referral of the newborn to the neonatal intensive care unit.
Spätling L1, Spätling G. Magnesium supplementation in pregnancy. A double-blind study. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1988 Feb;95(2):120-5.
Controlled trials of inositol on mood disorders
Various double-bline controlled trials demonstrate clinical outcomes of inositol on depression, panic, OCD, and ADHD.
Joseph Levine. Controlled trials of inositol in psychiatry, European Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 7, Issue 2, 1997, Pages 147-155, ISSN 0924-977X, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0924-977X(97)00409-4.
The amount of inositol in 1 scoop of Relax and Regulate (4g inositol) taken daily for 3 months induced ovulation in 62% of treated women
Kamenov Z1, Kolarov G, Gateva A, Carlomagno G, Genazzani AD. Ovulation induction with myo-inositol alone and in combination with clomiphene citrate in polycystic ovarian syndrome patients with insulin resistance. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2015 Feb;31(2):131-5. doi: 10.3109/09513590.2014.964640. Epub 2014 Sep 26.
Inositol as effective as SSRI in reducing panic attacks
A one-month double-blind placebo controlled study concluded that inositol (up to 18g/day) and fluvoxamine (up to 150 milligrams per day) were equally effective in reducing the frequency of panic attacks.
Palatnik, Alex MD*; Frolov, Katerina MD*; Fux, Mendel MD*; Benjamin, Jonathan MD. Double-Blind, Controlled, Crossover Trial of Inositol Versus Fluvoxamine for the Treatment of Panic Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology: June 2001 - Volume 21 - Issue 3 - p 335-339
Relax and Regulate
30 scoops