About Ali Miller RD
Ali Miller, RD, LD, CDE is a Registered Dietitian with a naturopathic background and a contagious passion for using nutrients and food as the foundation of treatment protocols and programs. She is the author of international best seller The Anti-Anxiety Diet, as well as The Anti-Anxiety Diet Cookbook, and Naturally Nourished: Food-As-Medicine for Optimal Health.

Her Food-As-Medicine philosophy is supported by up-to-date scientific research for a functional, integrative approach to healing the body. Ali is a certified diabetes educator (CDE) and renowned expert in the ketogenic diet with over a decade of clinical results using a unique whole foods approach tailored to support thyroid, adrenal and hormonal balance.
With a mission deeply rooted in the sustainability of our food systems, Ali teaches clients to navigate beyond corporate manipulation and diet trends with an “outside the box” approach to healthy eating. She promotes clean eating and works to unveil the hidden truth of toxins in our food system while sharing the significant health benefits of consuming local, organic, and wild, pasture-raised foods. Ali applies scientifically supported plant and bio-compounds to enhance a patient’s treatment outcomes while reducing medications and their undesired side effects.
I am passionate about using functional medicine approaches to empower you to understand the root causes of imbalance within your body. When we address the reason for undesired symptoms and use diet, lifestyle, and targeted nutritional supplementation we are able to work upstream on a path of resolution while promoting a synergy of positive outcomes!

Ali developed her Food-As-Medicine approach to disease management through her background in natural food preparation and dietetics degree in Nutritional Sciences from Bastyr University, a renowned leader in naturopathic and functional medicine. The diverse medical rotations available in the Houston Medical Center drew Ali to Texas, where she implemented clinical treatment plans in some of the top hospitals in the country and created a protocol for a Stage 3 breast cancer research study through the National Institute of Health (NIH) and MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Ali has combined the strengths of both naturopathic and conventional medicine fields, practicing functional medicine that is guided by nature, yet grounded in clinical scientific discovery. She continues to work with her passion to create public awareness and access to functional medicine approaches, protocols and supplement formulas to enhance whole body health.
Ali’s message has influenced millions through the medical community and media with television, print, and her award winning podcast, Naturally Nourished. This site features virtual learning, books, and her supplement line. Ali’s blog and podcast can be found here: www.naturallynourishedrd.com.
To provide access beyond her functional medicine clinic with limited capacity, Ali has created virtual programs: 12-week Food-as-Medicine Ketosis Class, Adrenal Rehab, Beat the Bloat, and 10-day Real Food Detox, all supported by up-to-date research for a functional approach to healing the body and preventing disease. Beyond virtual programs, check out protocols that Ali uses in her clinic to address dysbiosis, hormonal imbalance, immune health and beyond!
Learn more about the clinic and work with Ali or Becki here.
In the medical community, Ali has made an impression through her integrative approaches to treating people vs. diseases. Ali has seen enthusiastic support from clinicians in the medical field including primary care physicians and innumerable specialists through referrals, participation in group programs, development of treatment protocols, and consultations.