4 fl oz, about 24 servings of 5 mL each
An incredibly powerful, non-toxic form of silver with broad spectrum immune benefits safe to be taken with or in replacement of antibiotics
Benefits of NanoSilver
- Antimicrobial and antiviral support
- Aids in Immune Response
- Gastrointestinal support
- Supports a healthy inflammatory response
- Non-toxic
- No side effects or contraindications
- Does not interfere with antibiotics
- Antifungal support
- Faster healing via stem cell stimulation
How to Take
Take 5 mL (6 sprays) daily for general wellness, increase to 5 mL 3-6 times daily in times of immune distress
Subscription & Use Tip
Contains 4 fl oz or 24 servings, intended for occasional immune support
- Safe with breastfeeding
- Safe during pregnancy
Safe for Kids
Learn more
This product also supports
Digestion and Gut Health Immune and Wellness
NanoSilver Spray is a highly effective preparation composed of pure silver complexed with purified water. NanoSilver uses Silver Sol Technology®, the term “sol” being a designation of a mineral permanently distributed into the structure of water. The silver permanently becomes a part of that water molecule, so that it will not fall out of the solution or suspension.
This incredibly powerful, non-toxic form of silver has broad-spectrum effects and supports the immune system. It also helps the body maintain a healthy barrier against the intrusion of unwanted organisms. Unlike prescription antibiotics, however, NanoSilver targets specific organisms while sparing the body’s beneficial bacteria. Additionally, it does not interfere with antibiotics, and may even help them work more effectively.
NanoSilver contains 15 ppm of purified silver per serving. This is an incredibly powerful, non-toxic form of silver, which will not build up in the body, so it does not cause argyria (also known as "blue man syndrome").
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Why Naturally Nourished
Clinical Results
Synergistic Formulas
Third Party Tested
NanoSilver is a highly effective complex of pure silver and purified water with antimicrobial properties. NanoSilver utilizes a technological breakthrough allowing for the production of a silver particle small enough to enter a single red blood cell, enabling the silver to travel through capillaries, the tiniest blood vessels in the body, for beneficial effects at the cellular level. Also, NanoSilver uses technology that permanently distributes the mineral into the structure of the water, so it will not fall out of solution or suspension. As a result, A literature review of relevant research has shown that the pure silver in NanoSilver may provide a whole host of health benefits, from killing certain drug-resistant bacterial strains to inhibiting replication of some viruses as well as stimulating stem cell production. It can be safely used orally with no known side effects.
How NanoSilver Works
Catalytic Action – far more effective than chemical action (how colloidal silver works) NanoSilver does much more than chemical action because it works by what is known as catalytic action. NanoSilver is made up of four atoms of oxygen and four atoms of silver (Ag4O4). Here, one silver atom is missing three electrons while another is only missing one. The molecule tries to balance itself out, so a single, high-energy particle goes back and forth at high speed between the two atoms, which consequently gives it catalytic capabilities. Hence, one electron destroys the bacteria (or other pathogen), while the other electron is being recharged. Thus, this catalytic action allows the NanoSiler molecule to destroy over and over, again and again. The result is that NanoSilver can eradicate thousands of times more pathogens than a colloidal or ionic silver, allowing it to be much more effective at much lower, safer concentrations.
Resonance The high energy that is constantly occurring creates a resonant frequency, where the silver is resonating at a frequency that is selectively destructive to pathogens. This energy has been measured at 890-910 terahertz, which is the same frequency at which germicidal ultraviolet light resonates. Again, the silver particles in NanoSilver are tiny enough to be absorbed by red blood cells and they resonate at the exact frequency shown to disrupt pathogens.
Viral Disruption NanoSilver can bind with the charged, genetically incomplete viral molecules, preventing viral replication. Because healthy human DNA does not contain a magnetic charge, it remains unaffected by the charge of the NanoSilver.
After using NanoSilver, 99% of the silver leaves the body in 24 hours; all is cleared by 48 hours. This occurs because the silver in NanoSilver has been structured into the water, allowing the water molecule to get absorbed into the blood stream and pass through circulation. It ultimately gets excreted unchanged, which means no harmful metabolites are formed. A preliminary human trial of small sample size on people with the AIDS virus demonstrated the safety, tolerance, and beneficial properties in subjects who are immunocompromised. The subjects were given silver using the same technology as in NanoSilver at six times the recommended dose for four months. Results showed a normalization of T-lymphocyte counts as well as restoration of normal or close-to-normal body weights.
Does not harm good bacteria NanoSilver is water-soluble, rendering it unable to penetrate fats. Because of this, it cannot harm good bacteria, such as Lactobacillus, which include a milk-like fat surrounding the bacteria. This difference sets them apart from most other bacteria molecules. Healthy cells in the body also contain a protective lipid membrane (unlike the thin cell walls of pathogens) with a balanced charge, making them well protected from the silver’s oxide.
Safe with antibiotics NanoSilver is not only safe to take with antibiotics, but can actually work synergistically to promote the effectiveness of specific antibiotics. With its different biological action than that of antibiotics, the silver molecule in NanoSilver may help to “mop up” the resistant pathogens that are multi-drug resistant. A 2006 study published in Current Science looked at 19 common antibiotics in combination with a silver solution against seven different microbial organisms. The results of this study showed the increased efficacy of some antibiotics up to 10-fold, as the antibiotic-silver combination allowed for a more complete clearing of the pathological organism.
Antimicrobial Properties The active ingredient in NanoSilver has been shown in vitro to inhibit and/or kill an extensive array of harmful bacteria including MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus), which can be deadly. A Brigham Young University report found this silver to be effective at killing every pathogenic bacterium it was tested against at less than 10 ppm. Among this list were Salmonella and E. coli (food poisoning), Klebsiella pneumonia and oxytoca (pneumonia), Haemophilus influenza (ear infections, meningitis), Enterobacter aerogenes (UTIs), and Streptococcus mutans and gordonii (tooth decay). Research suggests that silver nanoparticles promote bacterial apoptosis due to increased free radical formation, decreased energy production, and downregulation of antioxidant enzyme expression. Results from an infected animal model showed that the antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles is due to leakage of protein and sugars, increased generation of reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde, as well as a significant decrease in ATP and lactate dehydrogenase levels in silver treated bacterial cells compared to controls.
Antiviral Properties (via magnetic disruption) NanoSilver technology has the ability, in vitro, to inactivate viruses at the DNA/RNA level. Incomplete segments of DNA/ RNA are found in viruses and carry a slight magnetic charge. The silver in NanoSilver acts like a magnet, attracting these charged particles and binding the DNA so tightly that it inactivates the virus and prevents virus replication. This same reaction does not take place with healthy cells, as their thicker, more protected cell membranes carry a balanced charge, which protects them from the silver’s magnetic attraction.
Antifungal Properties Fungal infections are often refractory which can make them drug-resistant and difficult to treat. Numerous studies show that NanoSilver’s lethal properties are also evident in regards to mold, fungi, and yeast, making it an excellent choice for use against Candida albicans. In vitro research reveals that silver is effective at inhibiting the growth of and killing Candida albicans at a dose of 10 ppm after only two hours of exposure, and is effective at inhibiting C. albicans biofilm formation. Using NanoSilver in the oral cavity may be recommended to help prevent fungal infections (Candida/thrush) and oral plaque build-up.
How to Use
For wellness:
Take 5 mL (approx. 6 sprays) once daily
For illness:
Take 5 mL (approx. 6 sprays) three to six times daily
How is NanoSilver Different from Colloidal Silver?
NanoSilver is completely distinct from traditional colloidal (ionic) silvers of the past, with many important chemical, physical and vibrational differences separating it far beyond other forms available. In fact, while no other liquid silver antimicrobial product had received a patent for over 80 years, a US patent was issued in 2006 for this silver composition.
Colloidal silver works by chemical action, requiring direct contact with microbes, where each colloidal silver molecule can only kill one bacterium. Also, colloidal silver is simply a suspension of a silver molecule and an oxygen molecule combined together. Particles in a suspension, while too small to be seen, are large enough to settle to the bottom over time. Here, the silver components can fall out of solution, causing them to aggregate in such areas as the blood, fat, and the brain. Not surprisingly, silver suspensions contain up to 300,000 ppm of silver compared to NanoSilver which is effective at a much lower dosage of only 5–30 ppm.
Can NanoSilver Cause Blue Man Syndrome?
No. Argyria (blue man syndrome, where silver aggregates in the body) has only been seen in cases of colloidal silver use after extended high dosing. NanoSilver utilizes a technological breakthrough allowing for the production of a silver particle small enough to enter a single red blood cell, enabling the silver to travel through capillaries, the tiniest blood vessels in the body, and inactivate viruses at the cellular level. This breakthrough permanently distributes the mineral into the structure of the water, so the silver will not fall out of solution or suspension. As a result, the pure silver in NanoSilver Liquid has been shown to provide a whole host of health benefits, from getting rid of drug-resistant bacterial strains to inhibiting viral replication as well as stimulating stem cell production. It can be used internally with no known side effects.
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8. Yuan, Y. G., Peng, Q. L., & Gurunathan, S. (2017). Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Multiple Drug-Resistant Strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Mastitis-Infected Goats: An Alternative Approach for Antimicrobial Therapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(3), 569. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms18030569
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10. Abdel Rahim, K. A., & Ali Mohamed, A. M. (2015). Bactericidal and Antibiotic Synergistic Effect of Nanosilver Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, 8(11), e25867. https://doi.org/10.5812/jjm.25867
11. Vimbela, G. V., Ngo, S. M., Fraze, C., Yang, L., & Stout, D. A. (2017). Antibacterial properties and toxicity from metallic nanomaterials. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 12, 3941–3965. https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN. S134526
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13. Lara, H. H., Romero-Urbina, D. G., Pierce, C., Lopez-Ribot, J. L., Arellano-Jiménez, M. J., & Jose-Yacaman, M. (2015). Effect of silver nanoparticles on Candida albicans biofilms: an ultrastructural study. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 13, 91. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12951-015-0147-8
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4 fl oz, about 24 servings of 5 mL each