GI Map Stool Test
Lab Kit + Customized Email Lab Review
This lab provides a deep dive into gut health for those dealing with bloating, distention, belching, gas, indigestion, GERD, IBS, IBD, diarrhea, constipation, and autoimmune disease.
Includes a customized email lab review by a functional medicine dietitian that includes food-as-medicine and supplement suggestions.
- Indigestion
- Reflux & Heartburn
- Excessive Gas & Bloating
- Digestive Disorders (IBS & IBD)
- Loose Stools
- Urgency & GI Cramping
- Constipation
- Nausea
This purchase includes the lab kit and results along with a customized email interpretation including highlights, clinical considerations, and supplement suggestions by a registered dietitian trained in functional medicine to implement a plan on your own or with your practitioner. This package does not make you an active patient at Naturally Nourished clinic.
The integrity of the gut and digestive tract is often the first place to start in a functional medicine approach to healing the body. GI imbalance can lead to Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, and a range of diseases beyond the digestive tract including diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, hormonal imbalance, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome and more. It is important to identify the root cause of any intestinal stress in order to apply the appropriate intervention.
The GI Map Stool Test can identify if you have an imbalance of bacterial flora in the large intestine, assess for other pathogens, parasites, Candida overgrowth, or issues with digestion and malabsorption. Beyond defining what is living in the bowel or GI tract, this panel digs into the elements of optimal digestion assessing enzymes, bile, pH, undigested fat, fiber, and protein. This allows a specific treatment plan knowing the optimal approach based on the particular digestive imbalance driving your digestive disturbance and extending into valued information for autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety, obesity, and more.
This is suitable for clients with bloating, distention, belching, gas, indigestion, GERD, IBS, IBD, diarrhea, constipation, and autoimmune disease.
What happens next?
Once you purchase your lab, please be on the lookout for a follow-up email from Brady. He will need the name and date of birth of the person who is running the lab in order to drop ship your kit. To accelerate the process, you can email this information directly to brady@alimillerrd.com upon purchase.
Brady will provide information on locating a draw site for any blood draws or further instructions for collection and shipping of stool, saliva, and urine specimen kits. You will also get a brief form to fill out to provide information on goals of running this lab, current diagnosis or symptoms, supplements and medications, and diet recall. Please fill this out so that we can customize your lab review as much as possible.
Your lab will likely take 2-3 weeks to process once received by the lab. You will get a direct email from Ali or Becki that includes your results, a brief interpretation, and direct supplement recommendations.
GI Map Stool Test
Lab Kit + Customized Email Lab Review