300g (about 120 teaspoons)
a whole food based fiber providing 12 types to aid in detoxification, hormone balance, cholesterol regulation, satiety and blood sugar control, while fueling the microbiome. Learn more
PhytoFiber Benefits:
- Cholesterol regulation with LDL lowering and increasing HDL
- Detox support and estrogen dominance reduction
- Bowel regularity and healthy formation
- Promotes healthy microbiome
- Aids in satiety and reduces hunger
- Supports successful weight loss
- Aids in blood sugar reduction and management
How to Take
2 tsp once or twice daily mixed with water or added to a shake or smoothie
Subscription & Use Tip
Contains 60 teaspoons which lasts 2-3 months with typical use.
Purchase a bundle and SAVE 12%! This product is also featured in Bacteria Rebuild Bundle
- Safe with breastfeeding
- Safe during pregnancy
Safe for Kids
Learn more
This product also supports
Detox and Liver Support Digestion and Gut Health
PhytoFiber provides a comprehensive blend that contains 12 different types of fiber and none of the allergenic proteins or harsh, irritating components commonly found in other fiber products on the market. This non-GMO, gluten-free product was designed with the features of a grain-free diet in mind, with which human physiology may be most adapted using fruits, roots, vegetables, seeds and tree extracts.
This functional fiber acts as a prebiotic feeding gut bacteria to promote optimal digestive health and bowel regularity. PhytoFiber is a useful tool to help support proper weight management, glucose levels, and cholesterol levels.
Looking for Value and Results?
Consider upgrading to my Bacterial Rebuild Bundle which saves 12% and is intended for re-inoculation of beneficial bacteria after my Beat the Bloat Candida and Bacterial Cleanse or if dealing with gut sterility following a time of high stress or antibiotic use.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Why Naturally Nourished
Clinical Results
Synergistic Formulas
Third Party Tested
Everyone can benefit from PhytoFiber: The RDA for fiber is 28 g/day, but because most Americans don’t consume enough vegetables, fruits, or other fiber-rich foods, most people average only about 15 g per day. Two teaspoons provides 3 grams of fiber, which can help boost fiber intake closer to the recommended daily amount.
- Promotes proper intestinal function and bowel movement – may alleviate occasional constipation and diarrhea
- Supports appetite regulation by increasing bulk and aiding a healthy rate of digestion
- Supports healthy glucose and insulin levels by assisting normal stomach emptying and the appropriate passage of food
through the intestines - Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
- Promotes a gastrointestinal health by helping to maintain a suitable environment of friendly bacteria in the gut
- Assists with healthy detoxification
- Supports proper weight management
Product Highlights
• 12 types of fiber: Acacia gum, cellulose, guar gum, cranberry seed powder, carrot fiber, inulin, orange fiber, apple pectin,
glucomannan, psyllium husk, flax, prune
• Free of non-Paleolithic food extracts: free of grains (wheat, oat or rice bran) and legumes (peas, beans or soy fibers)
• Does not contain gluten or lectin, low allergenicity
• Does not contain phytates (phytic acid is found in grains, has an acid load and binds minerals — which interferes
with their absorption)
• Soluble fiber – attracts and dissolves in water, turning into a gel-like substance that helps to regulate the rate of
digestion and, in turn, helps with satiety (feeling “satisfied” or appropriately full after a meal). Soluble fiber can be hard
to obtain through the diet.
• Insoluble fiber – the basis of most plant-based products. Insoluble means that it does not dissolve in water, but rather
stays intact throughout the digestive system. This type of fiber is considered gut-healthy, because it adds bulk to the
diet and helps support healthy bowel function.
• Acacia gum – a prebiotic from the popular acacia tree. Prebiotics support the growth of friendly bacteria.
• Guaranteed purity – free of toxic contaminants
• No artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors
• Mixes well and tastes great!
How to Use
Recommended Use:
• Take 5 grams (approx. 2 tsp.) in water, smoothie, or yogurt per day, or as directed by your health care practitioner.
• Consume extra water when taking PhytoFiber to help support the healthy movement of fiber through the intestines. As I love to say, fiber can be a brick or a broom, hydration makes it a broom! Aim to drink 2-3L per day.
• Increase dose slowly to allow the body time to adjust to the higher levels of fiber.
• Do not take at the same time as any prescription medications.
For toddlers and children start at 1/2 tsp daily working up to 2 tsp as needed. Fiber can be mixed into purees, yogurt, smoothies. Be mindful of optimal hydration and encourage extra water intake with use. Avoid juices as these can throw off microbiome balance and cause further GI distress.
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8. He J, Streiffer RH. Effect of dietary fiber intake on blood pressure: a randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial. J Hypertens. 2004 Jan;22(1):73-80.
9. Ross JK, Pusateri DJ. Dietary and hormonal evaluation of men at different risks for prostate cancer. Am J Clin Nutr. 1990 Mar;51(3):365 70.
10. Tariq N, Jenkins DJ .Effect of soluble and insoluble fiber diets on serum prostate specific antigen in men. J Urol. 2000 Jan;163(1):114-8.
11. Galvez J, Rodriguez-Cabezas ME. Effects of dietary fiber on inflammatory bowel disease. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2005 Apr 19.
12. Uusitupa MI, Miettinen TA. Lathosterol and other noncholesterol sterols during treatment of hypercholesterolemia with lovastatin alone and with cholestyramine or guar gum. Arterioscler Thromb. 1992 Jul;12(7):807-13.
13. Dukas L, Willett WC. Association between physical activity, fiber intake, and other lifestyle variables and constipation in a study of women. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003 Aug;98(8):1790-6.
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300g (about 120 teaspoons)