Eat Fat Get Skinny Keto recipes
50+ keto recipes to support a fat fueled lifestyle while maintaining an anti-inflammatory food-as-medicine approach to eating
Can you really eat fat and get skinny? Low-carb diets have gained popularity over the past 40 years and research supports the sustainability of the results compared to calorie restricted or low fat plans.
Beyond weight loss, a very low carbohydrate diet can play a beneficial role in brain health, gut bacterial reset, and hormonal balance. This ebook provides over 50 recipes to help you take control of your health and get the benefits body fat burn and whole body health.
Including: Fat Bombs, Shakes, Salads, Soups, Entrees, and Condiments this book is a great way to nourish your body and savor each bite!
Note: for best results consider joining our next 12-week Food-as-Medicine Ketosis program which includes the bundle of ketosis ebooks!
Eat Fat Get Skinny Keto recipes