
120 capsules

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Anti-inflammatory herbs blended with powerful enzymes to reduce pain, tissue build up, and injury while aiding in healthy tissue repair. Learn more

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Benefits of Inflammazyme:

  • Pain reduction
  • Tissue recovery with injury or surgery
  • Aids in breaking down build up such as fibroids
  • Reduces blood clot formation and platelet aggrigation
  • Supports lung and respiratory health for allergies and asthma

How to Take

Take 1-2 capsules without food 2-3 times daily

Subscription & Use Tip

Contains 120 capsules which lasts 1-2 months with typical use.

Purchase a bundle and SAVE 12%! This product is also featured in Strength and Performance Bundle


  • icon-breastfeeding-safe Safe with breastfeeding
  • icon-pregnant-NOTsafe Not recommended during pregnancy
  • icon-kids-safe Safe for Kids
    Learn more

This product also supports

Detox and Liver Support Energy and Performance Hormones and Fertility Inflammation & Brain


This potent anti-inflammatory product features a combination of herbs, nutrients and proteolytic enzymes for influencing the inflammatory response, supporting the natural clearance of tissue build up proteins like kinin and fibrin (that drive tissue build up and pain), and for supporting healthy lymphatic drainage.

By controlling the inflammatory processes in multiple metabolic pathways, Inflammazye can be helpful in many situations, including osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, sports injuries, and post-operative healing.  This formula is a go-to for platelet aggregation and elevated LP(a) and has a mild anti-thrombotic effect which may support cardiovascular health without the harmful GI effect of aspirin. The ingredients in this product also provide detox support and protection against oxidative stress.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Why Naturally Nourished

  • Potency
  • Clinical Results
  • Synergistic Formulas
  • Third Party Tested
  • Purity


Inflammazyme ingredients target many metabolic pathways of the inflammatory response (1,2) see references noted in the Research tab!

1. Significant inhibition of the COX-2 (cyclooxygenase) enzyme, which produces prostaglandins PG-E2 (inflammatory) and thromboxanes TX-A2 (vasoconstrictive and increases platelet aggregation). The COX-2 inhibition is achieved by turmeric, ginger, quercetin and resveratrol. The PG-E2 is also known to increase cell proliferation, which may be beneficial for normal tissue growth and wound healing but not for cancer promotion. That is why inflammation is associated with the risk of cancer development in many studies and underscores the importance of keeping inflammation under control.

2. Additional inhibition of the expression of the COX-2 enzyme byantioxidant effects on NF-Kappa B, which is one of the regulators of the
cytokine (inflammatory) response. This is achieved by the antioxidant action of turmeric, quercetin, rutin, rosemary and resveratrol. This is a
preferred mechanism of inhibition because it acts upstream in the metabolic pathway by reducing oxidative stress, which can be one of the
causes of inflammation. Thus, this is a preventive action as opposed to blocking inflammation after it has started.

3. Inflammazyme ingredients have a minimal inhibition of the COX-1 enzyme which has a maintenance function for a number of tissues in the body, including intestinal cells. This is unlike aspirin or NSAIDs which are very irritating to the GI tract.

4. Inflammazyme has a mild anti-thrombotic (blood thinning) effect which could result in increased cardiovascular risk
protection, similar to that of aspirin yet without aspirin's severe GI irritation.

This blood thinning effect of Inflammazyme is due to the following:
• mild COX-1 inhibition by ginger
• mild anti-coagulating activity of turmeric and quercetin
• fibrinolytic effect of the proteolytic enzymes, especially the serratiopeptidase

Cancer metastasis is known to be mediated by increased platelet aggregation, so any agent that decreases it may reduce
the risk of cancer proliferation. (7)

5. Inflammazyme may be superior to selective COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx and Celebrex due to the fact that, by design, they are lacking any COX-1 inhibiting activity, which affects platelet aggregation. That is why drugs like Vioxx and Celebrex were shown in studies to increase the risk of thrombosis and overall CVD risk. This is especially important for patients with low omega-3 fatty acid stores.

6. Inflammazyme may be superior to selective COX-2 inhibiting drugs due to the fact that in addition to inhibiting COX-2, some Inflammazyme ingredients also inhibit the LOX (lipoxygenase) enzyme. This enzyme is normally producing leukotrienes (LT-4 series) which cause bronchoconstriction and vasoconstriction. The LOX inhibition is achieved through the action of boswellia, turmeric, ginger and quercetin.

How to Use

Unlike digestive enzymes, such as my Digestaid, which are taken prior to meals to support the breakdown of foods and enhance digestive process, the proteolytic enzymes in Inflammazyme perform best on an empty stomach.

Try to separate the Inflammazyme capsules about 1-2 hours away from meals and snacks this will help break down damaged tissue, and thus, work to promote a healthy response to inflammation in the body and food will slow down this process. These are best at rise, mid-day and at bed. 

Dosing for children should be discussed with your healthcare team based on g/kg of active ingredients. 

Note: some individuals experience moderate heartburn from the botanical compounds if taken too close to bed. It is best to take the evening dosage an hour prior to bed. 

Note: Although likely not safe for longterm use with breastfeeding the cost to benefit post-delivery both vaginal and c-section would likely be beneficial to aid in healthy tissue repair and prevention of blood clot formation. 


1. FitzGerald GA, Patrono C. The coxibs, selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase-2. N Engl J Med. 2001 Aug 9;345(6):433-42.
2. De Caterina R, Zampolli A. From asthma to atherosclerosis--5-lipoxygenase, leukotrienes, and inflammation. N Engl J Med. 2004 Jan 1;350(1):4-7.
3. Ammon HP, Safayhi H. Mechanism of antiinflammatory actions of curcumine and boswellic acids. J Ethnopharmacol. 1993 Mar; 38(2-3):113-9.
4. Kiuchi F, Iwakami S. Inhibition of prostaglandin and leukotriene biosynthesis by gingerols and diarylheptanoids. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 1992 Feb; 40(2): 387-91.
5. Guardia T, Rotelli AE. Anti-inflammatory properties of plant flavonoids. Effects of rutin, quercetin and hesperidinon adjuvant arthritis in rat. Farmaco. 2001 Sep;56(9):683-7.
6. Lo AH, Liang YC. Carnosol, an antioxidant in rosemary, suppresses inducible nitric oxide synthase through down-regulating nuclear factor-kappaB in mouse macrophages. Carcinogenesis.
2002 Jun;23(6):983-91.
7. Surh YJ. Anti-tumor promoting potential of selected spice ingredients with antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities: a short review. Food Chem Toxicol 2002 Aug;40(8):1091-7.
8. Satoskar RR, Shah SJ. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory property of curcumin (diferuloyl methane) in patients with postoperative inflammation. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol. 1986 Dec;
24(12): 651-4.


120 capsules