120 softgel capsules

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Molecularly distilled super pure fish oil with a potent delivery of EPA and DHA for inflammatory support, hormonal, cardiovascular, and brain health. Learn more

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Benefits of EPA-DHA Extra

  • Inflammatory support
  • Cardiovascular protection
  • Joint health and mobility
  • Immune and respiratory support
  • Reduced triglycerides
  • Enhances cognitive function
  • Supports fetal brain development

How to Take

Take 1 twice daily with meals

Note: although this product is safe for children the capsule is quite large and would have to likely be pierced open and oil squeezed out.

Subscription & Use Tip

Contains 120 softgels which lasts 2 months with typical use

Purchase a bundle and SAVE 12%! This product is also featured in Anti Inflammatory Bundle, Essential Wellness Bundle, and Mama To Be Bundle


  • icon-breastfeeding-safe Safe with breastfeeding
  • icon-pregnant-safe Safe during pregnancy
  • icon-kids-safe Safe for Kids
    Learn more

This product also supports

Calm and Mood Detox and Liver Support Hormones and Fertility Inflammation & Brain


EPA-DHA Extra features a concentrated, purified source of omega-3 fatty acids from sustainably sourced, cold water fish, in the true triglyceride form. Each soft gel provides a total of 710 mg EPA and 290 mg DHA. We test every batch for freshness, microbial contaminants, quality measures, heavy metals, environmental toxins and pesticides. Omega-3 fatty acids can support healthy cardiovascular, immune, and joint pain.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Why Naturally Nourished

  • Potency
  • Clinical Results
  • Synergistic Formulas
  • Third Party Tested
  • Purity


When choosing a fish oil, this is a case where any drugstore variety definitely will not do! It is important to take into account several factors including purity, potency, freshness, sustainability and bioavailability. Many off the shelf varieties are oxidized or are cut with problematic ingredients like soybean oil that can actually drive inflammation and negate any redeeming properties! If you’re currently taking a fish oil, stop reading and go grab the bottle. Flip it over, then read on and ask yourself the following: 

Is it third party assessed for purity and potency? Look for a purity guarantee with third party testing (done by an impartial lab) or the GMP seal of approval. Many fish oils contain heavy metals, dioxins and PCBs or may be rancid or oxidized. 

Are there carrier oils or additives? Check the ingredient label and ensure no soybean oil (yuck!) or other questionable ingredients! 

Does it contain adequate EPA and DHA?. Many fish oils do not contain ample DHA which is supportive of cognitive function. Each softgel of EPA DHA Extra provides a total of 710 mg EPA and 290 mg DHA and we recommend 2 per day as a baseline.

Does it contain antioxidants to protect against oxidation? Our EPA DHA contains mixed tocopherols (Vitamin E) as well as rosemary extract to protect against oxidation and rancidity. 

Is it sustainably sourced? Does it state what type of fish it is derived from and does the company reveal sustainability practices? Small, coldwater oily fish are best sources.

Omega-3 fatty acids, also known as long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), are commonly found in oily fish such as herring, sardines, and mackerel. EPA and DHA provide considerable health benefits, and consuming products such as oily fish and good quality marine oil supplements has been associated with good health across the life-span. The production of EPA and DHA in the human body from precursor fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid is highly inefficient, so it’s important to consume them on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the typical Western diet tends to be low in omega3s.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey (NHANES), more than 95% of adults in the US had omega-3 concentrations below the levels associated with cardiovascular protection .Aggravating this problem is that omega-6 fatty acids are common in many foods that make up a large part of our diets, and omega-6s can interfere with the ratio and balance of omega fatty acids in the body. EPA-DHA Extra features a concentrated, purified source of pharmaceutical-grade omega-3 fatty acids from sustainably sourced, cold-water fish. If your fish oil doesn’t make the cut, upgrade and grab a bottle of EPA-DHA Extra!


Among the most well established benefits of EPA and DHA is the support of cardiovascular health. EPA and DHA have been shown to have supportive functions for many aspects of heart health (1). Among the most consistently shown benefits of EPA and DHA to heart health is the supportive role these fatty acids play in maintaining healthy plasma triglyceride levels.(4,5) EPA and DHA supplementation has also been shown to support healthy blood pressure already in the normal range and healthy heart rate levels. EPA and DHA are involved in the synthesis of several important eicosanoids, which aid in the natural and healthy initiation phase of the immune response.EPA and DHA also play a role in maintaining the health of many systems in the body, including the musculoskeletal system (5,6). For example, daily consumption of EPA and DHA has been reported to support joint health and flexibility in numerous clinical studies. Meta-analyses highlight that daily intake of EPA and DHA of 2.5g combined or more can support ease of joint movement.

Not All Fish Oil is Tested Equally!

Not all omega-3 supplements are equal. As they are commonly produced from fish, some omega-3s may contain contaminants—e.g., heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium, as well as environmental toxins and pesticides.9 The oil used to produce EPA-DHA Extra is tested and re-tested at multiple steps for potential contaminants and oxidative measures. These tests are conducted by prestigious independent providers and quality control/ assurance staff that maintains exemplary GMP-certified manufacturing standards. In addition, this formulation offers protection against oxidation through addition of natural antioxidants to preserve freshness and potency (Figure 2). The EPA-DHA Extra formula exceeds respected industry guidelines for specific tests, including those established by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States Pharmacopeia, the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s Voluntary Monograph (GOED), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Click to view a Certificate of Analysis on EPA DHA Extra. 


1. Murphy RA, et al. Suboptimal plasma long chain n-3 concentrations are common among adults in the United States, NHANES 2003-2004. Nutrients. 2015;7(12):10282-10289.

2. Simopoulos AP. Exp Biol Med. 2008;233(6):674-688.

3. Comez Candela C, et al. Importance of a balanced omega 6/omega 3 ratio for the maintenance of health: nutritional recommendations. Nutr Hosp. 2011;26(2):323-329.

4. Liao PY, et al. Bioaccumulation of mercury and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in salty water organisms. Environ Monit Assess. 2016;188(1):12.

5. Harris WS, et al. Changes in erythrocyte membrane trans and marine fatty acids between 1999 and 2006 in older Americans. J Nutr. 2012;142(7):1297-1303.

6. Jump DB, et al. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation. J Lipid Res. 2012;53(12):2525-2545.

7. Calder PC. Omega-3 fatty acids and inflammatory processes. Nutrients. 2010;2(3):355-374.

8. Goldberg RJ, Katz J. A meta-analysis of the analgesic effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation. Pain. 2007;129(1-2):210-223.

9. Lee YH, et al. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids a meta-analysis. Arch Med Res. 2012;43(5):356-362.

10. Vannice G, Rasmussen H. Position of the academy of nutrition and dietetics: dietary fatty acids for healthy adults. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2014;114(1):136-153.



120 softgel capsules